Funding page

Oranda has the capability of reading information from your GitHub funding file, and automatically writing a page based on it. Unless you disable it by setting components.funding to false in the oranda config file, oranda will search your project for a .github/FUNDING.yml file, and generate a page based off of it. You can read more about the format of this file on GitHub's docs.

Oranda will display your different sponsor/funding links next to each other, but if you have a "main" funding option, you can set the following configuration setting:

  "components": {
    "funding": {
      "preferred_funding": "github"

Make sure this key corresponds to one of the possible entries in the FUNDING.yml file.

If you want to display additional information or context, oranda can also include the contents of a top-level Markdown file. Its contents will be translated into HTML and displayed on the Funding page as well.

Both of the YAML and Markdown file paths can be customized as such:

  "components": {
    "funding": {
      "md_path": "",
      "yml_path": "misc/funding.yml"

oranda's funding parsing and site generation are currently an experiment into how to better integrate common funding methods into your tools' websites. If you have any feedback on how we could do things better, let us know on Discord or GitHub!