
On GitHub pages

Added in version 0.4.0.

You can use oranda generate ci --ci=github to write a CI file for deploying your main branch to GitHub Pages.

When hosting on GitHub Pages, depending on the name of your repository, your site may get served at different URLs:

  • If your repo name is <user/org>, your site will be at that URL
  • If you repo name is anything else, it'll be at <user/org><reponame>.

For the latter case, you'll need to configure oranda to write its links to your oranda.json (more on that on chapter 8) with <reponame> as a prefix:

  "build": {
    "path_prefix": "reponame"

This will cause, for example, a link to /changelog/ to be written as /reponame/changelog/.


oranda is, effectively, a static site generator. It outputs HTML, CSS and JavaScript files. These can all be hosted on a looooot of different platforms, in fact, too many for us to enumerate here! You can use Vercel, Netlify, any GitHub pages competitor, or you can plop it on your own server that runs nginx, Apache httpd, Caddy, or anything else!

You can, in fact, also use the CI generated by oranda generate ci linked above and modify it to deploy to different platforms. If you do, we'd love to hear about it!