
Oranda is a tool for generating beautiful landing pages for your projects.

It can:

  • Automagically generate a webpage based off your project readme file
  • Include arbitrary Markdown pages
  • Generate mdbook books for you
  • Show downloadable and installable artifacts, and ways to install them, by integrating with cargo-dist
  • Provide integration with several web analytics providers

and more!

This is the oranda documentation, where we explain how to use the tool in detail. Use the sidebar to the left to navigate between pages.

Caveat emptor! oranda is still beta-quality software! There may be breaking changes at times, especially in the configuration format (although we're working hard on stabilizing it)


There's lots of ways to install oranda!

The Quickest Way

On the oranda website, there's a one-liner command you can execute for your OS that'll download and install oranda for you, without any further hassle!

Install Prebuilt Binaries With cargo-binstall

cargo binstall oranda

Build From Source With Cargo

cargo install oranda --locked --profile=dist

--profile=dist is the profile we build our shippable binaries with, it's optional.

--locked asks Cargo to respect the lockfile, improving build reproducibility at the cost of not getting any bugfixes from newer releases of its dependencies.

Download Prebuilt Binaries From GitHub Releases

See the latest release!

Install With NPM

npm install @axodotdev/oranda
# alternatively:
npx @axodotdev/oranda build

Install With Nix

oranda is available in nixpkgs, and also as a nix flake. This installer is currently experimental, so we don't recommend you use it in production workflows.

On a system with nix installed, you can run

nix-env -i oranda

or to install from GitHub using the flake,

nix profile install github:axodotdev/oranda


After you've installed oranda, it's time to give it a spin. Make sure you can execute the oranda command, its output should look something like this:

$ oranda
🎁 generate beautiful landing pages for your projects

Usage: oranda [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  build     Build an oranda site
  dev       Start a local development server that recompiles your oranda site if a file changes
  serve     Start a file server to access your oranda site in a browser
  generate  Generate infrastructure files for oranda sites
  help      Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

  -V, --version
          Print version

  -v, --verbose
          Whether to output more detailed debug information

      --output-format <OUTPUT_FORMAT>
          The format of the output
          [default: human]

          Possible values:
          - human: Human-readable output
          - json:  Machine-readable JSON output

Since oranda is designed to work without configuration, the quickest start is to just run oranda dev in an existing project! This will spawn a web server that serves your site, plus an extra process that watches for changes in files relevant to oranda's build process.

NOTE: Prior to version 0.5.0, oranda expects there to be a file in your root directory!

In a Cargo project

oranda integrates with Cargo projects seamlessly. oranda build will pick up relevant metadata from your Cargo.toml file automatically, including cargo-dist configuration, if you have that set up.

In a Node project

If you use Node.js, oranda can not only be installed via npm, but also supports reading metadata from your package manifest file. Additionally, npm scripts make it easy to integrate oranda into your workflows, for example like this:

  "scripts": {
    "build:site": "oranda build"
  "dependencies": {
    "@axodotdev/oranda": "~0.3.0"

Further Steps


On GitHub pages

Added in version 0.4.0.

You can use oranda generate ci --ci=github to write a CI file for deploying your main branch to GitHub Pages.

When hosting on GitHub Pages, depending on the name of your repository, your site may get served at different URLs:

  • If your repo name is <user/org>, your site will be at that URL
  • If you repo name is anything else, it'll be at <user/org><reponame>.

For the latter case, you'll need to configure oranda to write its links to your oranda.json (more on that on chapter 8) with <reponame> as a prefix:

  "build": {
    "path_prefix": "reponame"

This will cause, for example, a link to /changelog/ to be written as /reponame/changelog/.


oranda is, effectively, a static site generator. It outputs HTML, CSS and JavaScript files. These can all be hosted on a looooot of different platforms, in fact, too many for us to enumerate here! You can use Vercel, Netlify, any GitHub pages competitor, or you can plop it on your own server that runs nginx, Apache httpd, Caddy, or anything else!

You can, in fact, also use the CI generated by oranda generate ci linked above and modify it to deploy to different platforms. If you do, we'd love to hear about it!

Adding static assets

If you reference static assets in your Markdown, you'll need to place them all inside a directory at the same level as your project manifest file called static. This is because Oranda currently doesn't know about each indidivual asset, and instead just copies the folder where they're contained.

In your Markdown, you'll need to refer to the assets in this directory. For example:

![An image from my amazing project](./static/project.png)

If you want to use a custom-named directory you can configure this in your oranda.json, like so:

  "build": {
    "static_dir": "assets"

In this case the assets directory will be used instead of the default static directory.

Command Line

Oranda currently has four subcommands that work in similar, but nuanced ways.

Oranda supports some common options on each command:

  • --verbose. This controls the verbosity level for logs.
  • --output-format. If you want JSON for processing it with a machine, this is where you'd toggle it.

oranda build

This command builds your oranda site. You can pass the --json-only flag in order for oranda to only build an artifacts.json file that can be read by other tools (or websites) for integration purposes. You can also specify --config-path if your configuration file is not ./oranda.json, but oranda will still look for an oranda-workspace.json in the current directory.

oranda serve

This command launches a small axum-powered server that serves your generated oranda site.

Importantly, this does not build your site for you. If it can't find a build in the public/ directory, it will error and exit. You can set the port for the server to be launched using the --port option.

oranda dev

This command basically combined oranda build and oranda serve, with the added benefit of watching for changes and recompiling automatically. When you launch, what happens is this:

  1. Oranda builds your site (unless you told it not to)
  2. Oranda launches a server similar to oranda serve
  3. Oranda starts watching its relevant files for changes, and will rerun the build process when something changes

Oranda's build can have a lot of side-effects (reading/writing files, but also talking to the GitHub API), and as such, we have to take care to only run the build process when relevant files change. These files are:

  • Your project manifest files (Cargo.toml, package.json)
  • Your oranda configuration file
  • Any mdbook source files you may have
  • Your readme, and additional files specified in the configuration
  • Files immediately relevant to certain components oranda renders (funding, for example)
  • Any other paths you give it using --include-paths

This command also supports several options:

  • --port to set a custom port for the file server
  • --config-path to specify a custom path for your oranda config (but oranda will still look for an oranda-workspace.json) in your current directory).
  • --no-first-build to skip the first step mentioned above where oranda builds your site before starting the watch process
  • -i, --include-paths to specify custom paths for oranda to watch

oranda generate

Added in version 0.4.0.

This command generates files useful for working with oranda. Currently, it only supports one subcommand.

oranda generate ci

Generates a CI file that deploys your site. Supports the following options:

  • -o, --output-path: Specify a path for the file to be written to. Default: .github/workflows/web.yml
  • -s, --site-path: Specify a path to your oranda site, in case it's in a subdirectory to your repository
  • --ci: Specify which CI platform to use. Currently only accepts and defaults to github, which deploys to GitHub Pages using GitHub Actions.

You can rerun this command to update the CI file based on what we currently recommend as the best workflow, but also to, for example, update the oranda version that the CI uses (which will always be the oranda version you run generate with).

Tips and Tricks

Hiding the Markdown title

Oranda breaks out your project's title into its own header, which can be annoying if you've started your own with something like this:

# myprojectname

Blah blah blah etc

If you build your oranda site like this, the title will appear twice! oranda supports a special class called oranda-hide that you can wrap your title (or whatever you don't want to appear on the page) with, like this:

<div class="oranda-hide">

# myprojectname


Blah blah blah etc

Keep in mind the line breaks before and after the HTML, otherwise the Markdown parser may not function correctly.


oranda is designed to work with no configuration- for projects with a package.json or Cargo.toml, oranda will grab the project metadata it needs from your project manifest file. It can also infer a lot of the things it wants to render from your already existing environment.

If you project has both a Cargo.toml and a package.json we recommend defining project metadata fields like name in your oranda.json.

Manifest file: oranda.json

If you'd like to customize your project you can do so in a oranda.json file.

For example:

  "build": {
    "path_prefix": "oranda"
  "styles": {
    "theme": "axodark",
    "favicon": ""
  "marketing": {
    "social": {
      "image": "",
      "image_alt": "axo",
      "twitter_account": "@axodotdev"
    "analytics": {
      "plausible": {
        "domain": ""
  "components": {
    "changelog": true,
    "artifacts": {
      "package_managers": {
        "preferred": {
          "npm": "npm install @axodotdev/oranda --save-dev",
          "cargo": "cargo install oranda --locked --profile=dist"
        "additional": {
          "npx": "npx @axodotdev/oranda",
          "binstall": "cargo binstall oranda",
          "nix-env": "nix-env -i oranda",
          "nix flake": "nix profile install github:axodotdev/oranda"

NOTE: All paths in oranda.json are relative to the oranda.json file.

See the configuration reference for a detailed explanations of all options!

Workspace manifest file: oranda-workspace.json

Added in version 0.3.0.

oranda supports building multiple sites at once (referred to as building in a "workspace"). To control this behavior, you can create a oranda-workspace.json file inside your workspace root. Running an oranda command will pick up this file, and build the workspace members accordingly.

The workspace file supports all other oranda config keys, which will be passed down to each workspace members.

Read more about workspaces or see the workspace reference

Configuration before 0.1.0

Before version 0.1.0 (the last stable version was/is 0.0.3, the last prerelease was/is 0.1.0-prerelease7), the configuration format looked like this:

  "name": "oranda",
  "description": "generate static sites for your dev tools",
  "dist_dir": "oranda_out",
  "homepage": "",
  "static_dir": "static",
  "no_header": false,
  "readme_path": "dev/",
  "repository": "",
  "additional_pages": {
    "Another page": "dev/"
  "favicon": "",
  "analytics": {
    "plausible": {
      "domain": ""
  "social": {
    "image": "",
    "image_alt": "axo",
    "twitter_account": "@axodotdev"
  "artifacts": {
    "cargo_dist": true
  "logo": "assets/oranda.png",
  "license": "MIT OR Apache-2.0",
  "mdbook": false,
  "path_prefix": "oranda",
  "styles": {
    "theme": "axo_dark"
  "funding": {
    "preferred_funding": "github"
  "changelog": true

Configuration Reference

  • project
    • name 📦 - the name of your application
    • version 📦 - current version of your project
    • description 📦 - brief description of your project
    • homepage 📦 - url to the homepage of your project
    • repository 📦 - url to the repository of your project
    • readme_path - relative custom path to your project's readme file
    • license 📦 - license of your project (in SPDX format)
  • build
    • dist_dir - path to where built output should be placed
    • static_dir - path to a directory containing static assets
    • path_prefix - a URL fragment to prepend to URLs, useful if hosting from a subfolder
    • additional_pages - additional pages to be rendered and linked to
  • marketing
    • analytics - automatically insert analytics snippets for several providers
    • social - additional configuration for SEO-related inserts
  • styles
  • components
    • source - change where oranda pulls your release data from
    • changelog - extract your changelog from GitHub automatically
    • mdbook - let us render a mdbook site for you
    • funding - configuration for rendering a site related to project funding methods
    • artifacts - configuration for displaying downloadable artifacts/installers
  • workspace - oranda-workspace.json only!!
    • name - set the overarching workspace name
    • auto - enable workspace autodetection
    • generate_index - disable generating a workspace index page
    • members - list the workspace members
    • docs_path - path to a markdown file to embed into your workspace index page
    • preferred_members - list of workspace members to highlight at the top of the index page

📦 = automatically collected from your package metadata!


Configuration for metadata about your project. Most of the info in here can be automatically collected for Cargo and npm projects.

Added in version 0.1.0.

  • Type: string, Default: Project manifest name field

Your project's name. Will be used for the page title and header.


Added in version 0.1.0.

  • Type: string, Default: Project manifest version field.

Your project's current version.


Added in version 0.1.0.

  • Type: string, Default: Project manifest description field

Your project's description. Will be used for site metadata.


Added in version 0.1.0.

  • Type: string, Default: Project manifest homepage field

Your project's homepage. Will be used for backlinks and site metadata.


Added in version 0.1.0.

  • Type: string, Default: Project manifest repository field

Your project's Git repository. If set to GitHub, this enables oranda to fetch data from GitHub releases (see artifacts)


Added in version 0.1.0.

  • Type: string, Default: A variation of the standard

The path to your project's readme file. The contents of this will be used for your index page.


Added in version 0.1.0.

  • Type: string, Default: Project manifest license field.

Your project's license. Will be embedded into the page footer.


Configuration regarding the specifics of how and where you want your site built.


Added in version 0.1.0.

  • Type: string, Default: public/

The directory where your static files will be output to. This must be relative to the oranda.json file.


Added in version 0.1.0.

  • Type: string, Default: static/

Static content that oranda will copy to its output folder. This must be relative to the oranda.json file.


Added in version 0.1.0.

  • Type: string, Default: none

If you're hosting oranda on a nested path (e.g., you should set path_prefix to myproject in your configuration in order for oranda to generate correct links. This is specifically useful for GitHub pages, which, unless the repository name is or you have a custom domain set, will host projects in a subfolder (e.g., so you'd set this option to projectname).


Added in version 0.1.0.

  • Type: object, Default: none

An object of additional Markdown pages that you'd like to be included. Links to these will appear in the site header, and they will all be rendered into separate pages.

More information


Configuration regarding SEO, site metadata, and other "marketing"-related aspects of your page.

Added in version 0.1.0.

  • Type: object, Default: none

More information

Configuration for page analytics. Can be any combination of the following:

Added in version 0.1.0.

  • Type: object, Default: none

Set google_analytics.tracking_id to your site tracking ID to include the relevant snippet to your page.

  • Type: object, Default: none

Added in version 0.1.0.

Set plausible.domain to your Plausible domain. Optionally, you can set plausible.script_url if you're self-hosting.

  • Type: object, Default: none

Added in version 0.1.0.

Set to your Fathom site.

  • Type: object, Default: none

Set to your Unami website identifier, and unami.script_url to the location where you're hosting your Unami script.

Added in version 0.1.0.

  • Type: object, Default: none

More information

Options useful for SEO features.

Added in version 0.1.0.

  • Type: string, Default: none

An image URL to use for page embeds.

Added in version 0.1.0.

  • Type: string, Default: none

An alt text for said image embed.

Added in version 0.1.0.

  • Type: string, Default: none

Name of a Twitter/X account, to be used for Twitter/X embeds (including the @).


  • Type: object

Configuration regarding the looks of your site.


Added in version 0.1.0.

  • Type: string, Default: dark

More information

Choose which built-in theme to use. Possible choices:

  • dark (default)
  • light
  • axodark
  • axolight
  • hacker
  • cupcake


Added in version 0.1.0.

  • Type: array, Default: none

More information

An array of local or remote CSS files that will be merged together and loaded into your page.


Added in version 0.1.0.

  • Type: string, Default: none (current version)

Specify a version of the embedded oranda CSS. This can be used to opt into newer CSS releases that don't have an oranda release associated with them yet. (Internally, this looks for a oranda.css release artifact on the given tag in the axodotdev/oranda GitHub repository)

Added in version 0.1.0.

  • Type: string, Default: none

Path to a custom logo to be shown in your website header and in your site metadata.


Added in version 0.1.0.

  • Type: string, Default: none

Path to a custom favicon.


Configuration regarding extra components/functionality that oranda supports.


Added in version 0.6.0.

  • Type: string, Default: github

Controls where oranda should pull releases data from. Possible choices are:

github (default)

Attempts to pull release data from GitHub Releases, using the repository specified for your project.


Attempts to pull release data from axo Releases. Since you can have multiple packages under the same project namespace on axo Releases, we use your project's name as the package name.


Added in version 0.1.0.

  • Type: object or bool

More information

Configuration for enabling downloadable artifacts, as well as the cargo-dist integration.


Added in version 0.1.0.

  • Type: object, Default: none

A list of "package manager"-like ways to install your app. These will be displayed on your page as extra runnable commands that users can execute to download your project. There's a few different "states" these can be in:

  • package_managers.preferred - Entries here will be shown in the install widget on your front page
  • package_managers.additional - Entries here will only be shown on the "install" page, but not on the front page

The syntax for both of these is the same:

  "components": {
    "artifacts": {
      "package_managers": {
        "preferred": {
          "user-friendly name": "command to run",
          "for example, npm": "npm install @axodotdev/oranda --save-dev"


Added in version 0.1.0.

  • Type: bool, Default: true if we detected support, false otherwise

Enables/disables cargo-dist support. oranda may autodetect this if you have cargo-dist configuration in your Cargo.toml, but you can always explicitly disable it here.

Added in version 0.2.0.

  • Type: bool, Default: false

Enables/disables artifacts autodetection, even without cargo-dist. This is turned off by default, but if you provide GitHub release artifacts in a target-triple-like format, chances are that oranda can autodetect them, so it may be worth turning this on.


Added in version 0.5.0.

  • Type: bool, Default: false

Only uses release tags that contain the name of the project being generated. Useful in a workspace environment, where multiple published projects are stored in the same repository.

components.mdbook (or components.md_book)

Added in version 0.1.0.

  • Type: object or bool

More information

Configuration for mdbook support. You don't need mdbook itself installed to make use of this, since it also provides a Rust library that we use. oranda will attempt to autodetect this at several common paths, so you can disable it by setting components.mdbook to false.


Added in version 0.1.0.

  • Type: string, Default: none

Path to your mdbook directory, the one containing book.toml, relative to your configuration file.


Added in version 0.1.0.

  • Type: bool, Default: true

Whether to enable or disable custom mdbook themes. We try to match your mdbook to the main oranda page look visually by default, but you can disable this by setting this option to false.


Added in version 0.1.0.

  • Type: object or bool

More information

Enable/disable changelog generation. This is enabled if you have a repository URL set, and you can disable it by setting false here.


Added in version 0.3.0.

  • Type: bool, Default: true

Disables reading the changelog file, meaning that oranda will fall back to embedding the GitHub release body instead.


Added in version 0.5.0.

  • Type: bool, Default: true

Disables the built-in generation of a RSS feed file for your changelog.


Added in version 0.1.0.

  • Type: object or bool

More information

Allows you to tweak or disable oranda's funding page.


Added in version 0.1.0.

  • Type: string, Default: none

Path to a Markdown file which will be embedded into the funding page.


Added in version 0.1.0.

  • Type: string, Default: .github/FUNDING.yml

Custom path to the GitHub-formatted FUNDING.yml file.


More information

Configuration for a workspace. This option and its sub-keys will only be honored in the oranda-workspace.json file, in a normal configuration file, they will be ignored.

Added in version 0.3.0.

  • Type: string, Default: My Oranda Workspace

Set the overarching workspace name. This is optional, and will fall back to "My Oranda Workspace" if not set (not very intuitive, I know).

Added in version 0.3.0.

  • Type: bool, Default: false

Enables workspace autodetection if set to true. This will cause oranda to attempt to find any Cargo or NPM workspaces under the current directory, and to attempt to build all of its members (all members must therefore have at least a readme file). Members manually listed under the members key override these automatically detected workspace members.


Added in version 0.3.0.

  • Type: bool, Default: true

If set to false, does not generate a workspace index page that links between all workspace members. Use this if you just want to use oranda's workspace functionality to build multiple unrelated sites in one go.


Added in version 0.3.0.

  • Type: array, Default: none

An array of objects representing the workspace members.


Added in version 0.3.0.

  • Type: string

The URL-safe slug this page will be built at. This needs to be something that can be parsed as a URL, as well as a folder name on your target system (because oranda is a static site generator, after all).


Added in version 0.3.0.

  • Type: string

The path to the page source. Point this to the same directory that the oranda.json would be in.


Added in version 0.3.0.

  • Type: string, Default: none

Path to a Markdown file whose content is going to be rendered into the workspace index file.


Added in version 0.3.0.

  • Type: array, Default: none

A list of workspace member slugs that should be highlighted at the top of the index page. For example:

  "workspace": {
    "auto": true,
    "preferred_members": ["projectone", "projecthree"]

Artifacts & cargo-dist

oranda has first-class support for handling releases, including ones generated by cargo-dist. It can even detect the user's platform and recommend the best installer/archive to use!

Artifact settings are managed in the artifacts key in your oranda config. This is what an example config looks like:

  "components": {
    "artifacts": {
      "package_managers": {
        "preferred": {
          "npm": "npm install @axodotdev/oranda --save-dev",
          "": "cargo install oranda --locked --profile=dist",
        "additional": {
          "npx": "npx @axodotdev/oranda",
          "binstall": "cargo binstall oranda"

Enabling cargo-dist

oranda will automatically attempt to find a cargo-dist config in your Cargo.toml. If you want to force disable this, set components.artifacts.cargo_dist to false. Once oranda determines that cargo-dist support should be enabled, the following will happen:

  • oranda will attempt to find GitHub releases generated by cargo-dist
  • A new "Install" page will be generated, containing all artifacts and installers for the latest version
  • A section to quickly install the latest release for the user's current platform will be added to the homepage

Enabling arbitrary GitHub release support

Even if you don't have cargo-dist set up, oranda can attempt to glean information about your supported targets and OSes from your GitHub release artifacts. It will attempt to do this if it can find any releases associated with your repository. It does this by trying to see if it can recognize any known target triples from your filenames, so for example, it will recognize mytool-aarch64-apple-darwin.tar.gz. If you would like to completely disable this, set components.artifacts to false (we may offer a more fine-grained setting for this in the future).

Enabling matching a release to a specific package

If you have multiple packages being produced by a workspace and need to match a release to a specific package, you can do so by setting components.artifacts.match_package_names to true. Upon enabling, while working to determine the latest release oranda will check if the release tag contains the name of the project being generated. If no match is found that particular release will be skipped.

Adding package manager installation instructions

You can add custom installation instructions for package managers or package manager-esque methods using the components.artifacts.package_managers key. These are broken up into two sections:

  • components.artifacts.package_managers.preferred - methods that you want to be recommended on the front page install widget
  • components.artifacts.package_managers.additional - methods that should only show up on the dedicated "install" page

All package manager entries are currently treated as "cross-platform", meaning they'll show up in the install widget for any platform you support. We're aware of this limitation, and will likely expand support for this in the future.

Additional Pages

If you have extra Markdown files you'd like to link directly as root pages on your generated website, you can use the additional_pages option to list them.

The option's format is an object with the human-readable page name as keys, and the path to the file as values. Example:

  "build": {
    "additional_pages": {
      "Another page": "./"


oranda supports automatically inserting the correct analytics snippet your provider into your generated pages.

Right now we support the following analytics providers:

To add any of these, add the required configuration under the analytics key:

Google Analytics

  "marketing": {
    "analytics": {
      "google_analytics": {
        "tracking_id": "String"


  "marketing": {
    "analytics": {
      "plausible": {
        "domain": "String",
        "script_url": "Optional string for self hosted"


  "marketing": {
    "analytics": {
      "fathom": {
        "site": "String"


  "marketing": {
    "analytics": {
      "unami": {
        "website": "String",
        "script_url": "String"


oranda can generate a separate changelog file from either a local file in your repository, or from the body of GitHub releases. This setting is enabled by default, as long as you have a repository set for your project. To disable this feature, set it to false in the oranda.json:

  "components": {
    "changelog": false

By default, oranda will also generate a changelog.rss file which you can plug into RSS readers or other automation!

Controlling where changelogs are read from

By default, oranda will try to read changelog contents from a file called CHANGELOG(.md). This file needs to be formatted in such a way that it can be parsed, meaning you'll have to specify consistent headers in your Markdown file, like this:

# Changelog

## 0.1.1 - 2023-04-05

- Fixed things

## 0.1.0 - 2023-04-02

### New features

- Fancy thingie
- Other cool stuff

### Fixes

- Beep booping is now consistent

If you would like oranda to use the bodies of GitHub releases that it finds instead, set the following option:

  "components": {
    "changelog": {
      "read_changelog_file": false

Even if oranda reads from a local changelog file, it will still try to match those releases to GitHub releases. Make sure that both version numbering schemes are the same between your local changelog and GitHub releases.

For a complete reference of changelog configuration, consult the reference

For workspaces

If you have a workspace, but you would like to opt-out of changelogs for only some members, you'll need to add manual overrides in those oranda.json files right now.

mdbook support

oranda can generate mdbooks for you. If you've already worked with mdbook, it's as simple as pointing oranda at your book directory using the mdbook.path option:

  "components": {
    "mdbook": {
      "path": "./docs"

This will cause oranda to automatically recompile your book for you, which will be served at the yoursite/book/ URL. oranda dev will also be watching this directory.

mdbook quickstart

If this is the first time you're working with mdbook, these are the minimal steps you'd need before editing the oranda config. After you've installed the mdbook tool, you can generate a new book scaffold:

mdbook init docs # replace docs with your preferred directory

You can either use oranda dev or mdbook serve docs/ to have a preview for your mdbook.


In order to help with SEO, there are a couple of options you can use.

  "marketing": {
    "social": {
      "image": "used as the share image for social media",
      "image_alt": "alt for said image",
      "twitter_account": "twitter account for the website"


Predefined themes

Oranda comes with six default themes:

  • Light
  • Dark
  • Axo Light (axo_light or axolight)
  • Axo Dark (axo_dark or axodark)
  • Hacker
  • Cupcake

You can change the theme by adding the styles.theme key to your oranda.json:

  "styles": {
    "theme": "hacker"

Dark is the default theme.

Customizing Themes

Themes can be further customized by adding extra CSS.

Additional CSS can be added using the styles.additional_css key.

  "styles": {
    "additional_css": ["./local/file.css", ""]

Note: Remote files will be copied and the copy served locally, so once a link is updated, the site must be regenerated for changes to take effect.

Adding CSS

Oranda's CSS makes use of cascade layers to scope CSS and make it simpler to override styles. To override themed styles, say on a <p> element, place it inside a layer called overrides.

@layer overrides {
  p {
    color: aquamarine;

Alternately, CSS that is not defined within a layer has precedence over all layered CSS, so this will also work.

p {
  color: aquamarine;

Dark vs. Light

When the dark theme is selected, a dark class is added to the page, and styles to be applied in dark mode only can include this selector. For instance,

.dark p {
  color: aquamarine;

Will create paragraphs colored aquamarine in dark mode only.

Adding Classes

When there are specific elements you would like to add to your pages, these can be added into Markdown files as raw HTML with class selectors that you can target with your CSS.

<!-- -->

## A Different Kind of Box

<div class="my-border-class">
  <p>An outlined box</p>
.my-border-class {
  padding: 1rem;
  border: 6px dotted seagreen;

Creating a New Theme

Currently, to create a new theme, you need to follow the directions above in "Customizing Themes" and overwrite the given CSS. We recommend continuing the layer approach and placing overrides in the overrides layer and then adding a new named layer for your theme.

The ability to add a different theme directly will be included in future releases. Following the layers approach will make it simpler to transition your theme.

Theme Previews

Here you can see what themes look like without having to set up oranda yourself.

These previews are generated by running oranda on itself.

Dark (default)

dark theme preview


light theme preview

Axo Dark

axo dark theme preview

Axo Light

axo light theme preview


hacker theme preview


cupcake preview

Funding page

Oranda has the capability of reading information from your GitHub funding file, and automatically writing a page based on it. Unless you disable it by setting components.funding to false in the oranda config file, oranda will search your project for a .github/FUNDING.yml file, and generate a page based off of it. You can read more about the format of this file on GitHub's docs.

Oranda will display your different sponsor/funding links next to each other, but if you have a "main" funding option, you can set the following configuration setting:

  "components": {
    "funding": {
      "preferred_funding": "github"

Make sure this key corresponds to one of the possible entries in the FUNDING.yml file.

If you want to display additional information or context, oranda can also include the contents of a top-level Markdown file. Its contents will be translated into HTML and displayed on the Funding page as well.

Both of the YAML and Markdown file paths can be customized as such:

  "components": {
    "funding": {
      "md_path": "",
      "yml_path": "misc/funding.yml"

oranda's funding parsing and site generation are currently an experiment into how to better integrate common funding methods into your tools' websites. If you have any feedback on how we could do things better, let us know on Discord or GitHub!


oranda supports building multiple sites at once (referred to as building in a "workspace"). To control this behavior, you can create a oranda-workspace.json file inside your workspace root. Running an oranda command will pick up this file, and build the workspace members accordingly.

The reason why this is a separate file, and not part of the oranda.json file is to avoid confusing between nonvirtual workspace root members (meaning if a workspace root also contains a site/package of some kind). By putting your workspace configuration in a separate file, you can still have an oranda site at the same directory level, without any problems.

NOTE: Workspace functionality will not be enabled if the oranda-workspace.json file doesn't exist!

A workspace configuration file looks something like this:

  "workspace": {
    "name": "My Workspace",
    "members": [
        "slug": "projectone",
        "path": "./project-one"
        "slug": "project_two",
        "path": "./project-two"

When ran with oranda build, this will produce two oranda sites, one at /projectone, and one at /project_two. oranda will consider each separate project's oranda.json file (should it exist).

You can additionally pass down keys you'd like to be set for each member project:

  "workspace": {
    "name": "My Workspace",
    "members": [
        "slug": "projectone",
        "path": "./project-one"
        "slug": "project_two",
        "path": "./project-two"
  "styles": {
    "theme": "hacker"

Individual workspace member configs will still override what's set here, though. Also, every key will be passed down, including ones that don't make a lot of sense to be the same in multiple projects (for example package manager configuration).

Building a workspace will also generate a nice workspace index page that can be used to provide an overview over the workspace's members, as well as some quick info and metadata.


Here's some helpful tips for contributing.

Auto-recompiling based on source changes

If you're working on oranda and you want to rebuild both oranda itself and your preview site when stuff changes, this is the command to keep in mind (assuming you have cargo-watch installed):

cargo watch -x "run dev"

On some platforms, apparently images also get recompiled and picked up by cargo-watch:

cargo watch -x "run dev" --ignore "*.png"  --ignore "*.jpg" working on the CSS

We provide an environment variable (ORANDA_USE_TAILWIND_BINARY) that, when set, will cause oranda to use a prebuilt Tailwind binary to rebuild the CSS on the fly. You can use it like this:

# for fish shell:
env ORANDA_USE_TAILWIND_BINARY=true cargo run dev

(if you don't use this flag, oranda will most likely revert to fetching CSS from the current GitHub release. Read this section in the build documentation for more in-depth info)

oranda dev doesn't automatically reload on CSS changes (because it's meant to be used by users), but you can include the CSS directory manually like such:

ORANDA_USE_TAILWIND_BINARY=true cargo run dev -i oranda-css/css/

Updating syntax highlighting languages

We use syntect to support syntax highlighting in Markdown code blocks. If you want to add support for a new language that's not included in syntect's default set of languages or the ones oranda provides, you'll need to extend the oranda::site::markdown::syntax_highlight::dump_syntax_themes function to load your new .sublime-syntax file from disk and to include it in our syntax set dump. This function, once adjusted, only needs to be ran once manually, by including it anywhere in the call path of the application (I recommend somewhere close to the top of the build CLI function).

Converting from .tmLanguage

syntect accepts .sublime-syntax files, but Sublime Text can also accept .tmLanguage (TextMate syntax bundles) files, so sometimes we need to convert from one to the other. Thankfully, the Sublime Text editor has a built-in feature for this. Here's what you need to do:

  1. Download and install Sublime Text
  2. In Sublime Text, from the menu, select Tools -> Developer -> New Syntax...
  3. This puts you in your Packages/User folder. Paste your tmLanguage file contents and save as <yourlang>.tmLanguage.
  4. Next, you should be able to run Tools -> Developer -> New Syntax from .tmLanguage...
  5. This opens a new tab with the converted output. Save and copy it or paste it into a new file in oranda. Profit!

Building oranda

In case you're interested in building oranda from scratch, be it for packaging for a software distribution or something different, here's some information on things to keep in mind!

Basic setup

To build oranda from source, you'll need the following:

  • Stable Rust toolchain
  • Optionally, if you want to pre-compile CSS, Node & npm
  • cargo-dist, if you want to opt into the same release flags we use in our CI

oranda can be built from source by running cargo build --release (not including the CSS - read below for more). Since we use cargo-dist to build our binaries for the official distribution of oranda, you may want to run cargo dist build instead. This ensures that you generate the same builds that we do.

The trouble with CSS

oranda includes some CSS to style pages - we call this oranda-css. This CSS uses TailwindCSS, and therefore needs to be compiled before it can be included. To figure out how to build and/or include this CSS, we use a file. This file sets configuration variables for one of these cases:

Added in version 0.4.0.

  • You have the environment variable ORANDA_USE_TAILWIND_BINARY set. This causes oranda to attempt to download a tailwindcss binary, and build using that.
    • If you run this in a development build, the CSS will get built at runtime.
    • If you run it in a release build, the CSS will be built as part of and embedded into the resulting binary.
  • If a file exists at oranda-css/dist/oranda.css, oranda will inline that file and use it as its current version, meaning it'll insert it into sites unless the user overrides it with a different version. This means you can prebuild the CSS using npm, and then run cargo build to let it be picked up.
  • If neither of these conditions are true, a Cargo build will produce a binary that'll always fetch the CSS from our GitHub releases. Stricly seen, this is a worse version of oranda (because it has to do extra CSS requests), so we suggest not distributing a binary that was built this way. You can check if a binary was built this way by looking out for the following log line: warning: This build of oranda will pull CSS directly from GitHub releases! This is probably not what you want.

For cargo install users: Your oranda binary is of the third type in the list above. This is unfortunately a shortcoming of Cargo's build pipeline, but if you're fine with using a slightly slower version of oranda, cargo install works fine. If you want a regular binary, check the install page!

If you're distributing binaries anywhere, you can either use the Node toolchain, or the Tailwind binary using ORANDA_USE_TAILWIND_BINARY, depending on which is easier/more conformant in your build environment.

# either:
ORANDA_USE_TAILWIND_BINARY=true cargo dist build

# or:
cd oranda-css
npm run build
cd ..
cargo dist build