
Here's some helpful tips for contributing.

Auto-recompiling based on source changes

If you're working on oranda and you want to rebuild both oranda itself and your preview site when stuff changes, this is the command to keep in mind (assuming you have cargo-watch installed):

cargo watch -x "run dev"

On some platforms, apparently images also get recompiled and picked up by cargo-watch:

cargo watch -x "run dev" --ignore "*.png"  --ignore "*.jpg" working on the CSS

We provide an environment variable (ORANDA_USE_TAILWIND_BINARY) that, when set, will cause oranda to use a prebuilt Tailwind binary to rebuild the CSS on the fly. You can use it like this:

# for fish shell:
env ORANDA_USE_TAILWIND_BINARY=true cargo run dev

(if you don't use this flag, oranda will most likely revert to fetching CSS from the current GitHub release. Read this section in the build documentation for more in-depth info)

oranda dev doesn't automatically reload on CSS changes (because it's meant to be used by users), but you can include the CSS directory manually like such:

ORANDA_USE_TAILWIND_BINARY=true cargo run dev -i oranda-css/css/

Updating syntax highlighting languages

We use syntect to support syntax highlighting in Markdown code blocks. If you want to add support for a new language that's not included in syntect's default set of languages or the ones oranda provides, you'll need to extend the oranda::site::markdown::syntax_highlight::dump_syntax_themes function to load your new .sublime-syntax file from disk and to include it in our syntax set dump. This function, once adjusted, only needs to be ran once manually, by including it anywhere in the call path of the application (I recommend somewhere close to the top of the build CLI function).

Converting from .tmLanguage

syntect accepts .sublime-syntax files, but Sublime Text can also accept .tmLanguage (TextMate syntax bundles) files, so sometimes we need to convert from one to the other. Thankfully, the Sublime Text editor has a built-in feature for this. Here's what you need to do:

  1. Download and install Sublime Text
  2. In Sublime Text, from the menu, select Tools -> Developer -> New Syntax...
  3. This puts you in your Packages/User folder. Paste your tmLanguage file contents and save as <yourlang>.tmLanguage.
  4. Next, you should be able to run Tools -> Developer -> New Syntax from .tmLanguage...
  5. This opens a new tab with the converted output. Save and copy it or paste it into a new file in oranda. Profit!